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Disrupting the Status Quo: Truth Bomb Academy™ and Female Entrepreneurship

Chef Katrina is a sought-after speaker, author, and female business mentor. In 2021 she co-founded the first-ever female business education platform, Truth Bomb Academy™. Providing the back to basic female business training which completely disrupts the ‘male’ modeling of business that women have been experiencing their entire lives. Her mission is to create more female millionaires.

Contact information:

Email: Katrina@truthbombmarketing.com
Website: https://truthbombmarketing.com
Podcast Link: https://open.spotify.com/show/77wvfJJbphmzxQsMzPkaL7
Twitter Link: https://truthbombmarketing.com/twitter
Instagram Link: https://truthbombmarketing.com/Instagram
Facebook Link: https://truthbombmarketing.com/facebook
Youtube Link: https://truthbombmarketing.com/youtube
Linkedin Link: https://truthbombmarketing.com/linkedin
Pinterest Link: https://truthbombmarketing.com/pinterest
Tiktok Link: https://truthbombmarketing.com/tiktok