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From Heart to Page: The Journeys of Black Children's Book Authors

Black Children’s Book Week (2/25/24 - 3/2/24) celebrates Black children and Black-authored books for them. We sat down with four authors to discuss their books and why the decided to author them.

Our youngest guest is Soleil Cross, known as Dr. Soleil is an eight-year-old author with a passion for STEM, and telling stories.“Pluto- Special, Just the Same Dwarf Planet” is her first book. Find it at https://www.solrizingstemadv.com/ or amazon
Susan H. Hines, author of “Buckley is a Busy Boy” and “Buckley’s Family Fishing Trip”. Follow the adventures of this loveable pooch at tjppublications@gmail.com or via amazon.com

Candice Avery offers insights and guidance for young girls and women navigating their life journeys. The book “FASHIONABLY L.A.T.E” and the companion journal may be purchased at candiceavery.com/books and amazon.com

Tina Matherson, wrote, “Back to School Affirmation Journal for Students: Kick Your Fear to the Curb” the journal provides positive affirmations and a safe space for young people to express their fears. The book can be found at
https://revealthevision.wpcomstaging.com/product/affirmation-journal/ and amazon.com